Scripture Reading - Proverbs 13:22 KJV

A good man leaveth an inheritance to his children's children: and the wealth of the sinner is laid up for the just.

We understand from this scripture that passing an “inheritance” to your children is right and leaving an “inheritance” to your grandchildren is divine. The Lord is very big on leaving an “inheritance” which means if the Lord gave you wisdom on how to get and maintain money He did it for you, your children and your grandchildren. Today, many financial systems discourage saving for the children because the world thinks, “Live for day because you can’t take your money with you”. This selfish way of thinking does not make provision for the children in the family primary because it would mean the parents need to make certain sacrifices today. The flesh hates to suffer anything so the thought of not getting everything I want, when I want it is not appealing to those of the world’s system. They would rather spend all they can now because saving requires discipline and thinking of others requires love. This dynamic fruit of the spirit called God’s unconditional love (agape - in the Greek) is grossly lacking in the world today. This motivational nature of God compels us to save and preserve the monetary blessing we have just for the financial benefit it will bring to our children. Although, another common phrase we hear among those with a worldly view point is this, “I had to work for everything I got so my children should learn that they have to work for everything they get”. If God had that attitude I doubt that He would offer us salvation. That thinking says everyone should literally die on the cross because Jesus did. Thank God it is the goodness of God that leads us to repentance. Now don’t get us (ihlcc) wrong we firmly believe in working hard when necessary but don’t confuse hard work with good investing. There are millions upon millions of hard workers in the world today and many of those same hard workers are suffering lack not because they are lazy but because they never started out with a strong (good, solid) foundation of property with no debt. In today’s society owning your own home is a precious commodity that only a few ever experience in life. We often dream of what we could do financially if we didn’t have a house note because we know our money would go a lot further if we didn’t have a mortgage. This is a dream of those making payments to own a home, not to mention the countless million who wish they could even afford to make payments on a home. Yes, this financial demise in the family structure has caused numerous divorces and untold unhappiness (misery). The facts are clear if we practiced God’s principles of pass down the wealth He allowed us to possess our children would start off right with prosperity and continue to build-up (accumulate) wealth as they grow older and wiser. The Lord put enough resources in this earth for everyone to prosper financially. God’s plan for financial freedom included each family member all the down to the grandchildren. However, when selfish people live selfish lives centered around the lust of their own flesh the children and many others suffer the waste (the loss). The loss is not God’s Will but a result of man’s ungodly actions. So when given the choice of spending more on yourself or putting aside some money for the children and grandchildren please make the wise choice of “Inheritance”. Remember, the scripture did not say how large the “inheritance” should be, it only stated a good (godly) man (or woman) would do it. We (ihlcc) realize everyone doesn’t have the same amount of income so the parents who make less will generally save less. The key isn’t the exact amount but rather your obedience to God’s principle of “leaving an inheritance to your children and grandchildren” so that they can glorify God for your obedience to His Will. Amen!